Legal Publications


on US- and Austrian Law:

Online Publication:

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"Equitable subordination in the US and 'Eigenkapitalersatz' in Austria - is there a need for codification?"
Comparing the codifications and the case law on equitable subordination in the US an Eigenkapitalersatz in Austria.

Publications on Austrian Law:


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"Geschäftsführerhaftung und URG"
1999, 156 pages,
published by Linde (Vienna)
analyzing the 1997 Austrian Corporate Reorganization Act and showing ways to avoid manager's liability.
Cited in length and followed by Supreme Court (OGH) in 6 Ob 269/05k

Law Review Articles:



"Zession & Rechtswahl am Beispiel Cash Pooling"
ecolex 2006, 115

Prohibition of cession and forum selection explained in connexion with cash pooling.
"Eigenkapitalersatz: Typisierende Kodifikation vs. Minimalkodifikation nach US-Vorbild"
ecolex 2002, 748

A critical comparison of the history of equitable subordination in Austria, Germany and the US including a proposal to minimze the current Austrian subordination law bill.

click to read

"Quotenschaden und Masseverwalter?"
ecolex 2000
, 710
Analyzing torts of creditors against managers during
bankruptcy proceedings (co-author Mag. Ingo Braun).

Cited by Supreme Court
OGH in 6 Ob 110/00w

"Unbefugter Zugriff auf e-Mail"
ecolex 2000, 273

Analyzing ways to legally defend against unauthorized access to e-mail.

"Verein und Eigenkapitalersatz"
ecolex 1999, 31
Analyzing court decision (participated in during clerkship at commercial court Vienna) on equity substitution under bankruptcy circumstances (co-author Dr. Gerhard Saria).